WashU recognized as a top workplace
Washington University in St. Louis has been recognized in several recent surveys as a top workplace.
WUPD completes training to support people with sensory issues
The Washington University Police Department (WUPD) has completed training through the nonprofit KultureCity to recognize and support people experiencing sensory overload situations during police interactions.
Day of Dialogue and Action sessions now available online
The 2022 sessions were created and organized by students, faculty and staff, and addressed a host of topics, among them campus safety, the differences between equity and equality, campus supplier diversity efforts and the impact of flexible work policies.
New diverse business directories debut at Day of Dialogue and Action
The new directories — one focused on all industries providing goods and services, the other specifically for construction — are on the university’s Supplier Diversity website and allow comprehensive, customizable searches with just a few clicks.
Washington University joins newly formed action network
The St. Louis Anchor Action Network (STLAAN) comprises universities, institutions, businesses, community leaders and other stakeholders committed to reducing inequities through increased employment, health and wealth-building opportunities.
WashU ranked among ‘best employers for diversity’
Respondents rated their organizations based on criteria such as age, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation equality as well as general diversity.